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Spelling Check


The Spelling Check function helps you find spelling mistakes and offer suggestions for correcting spellings.

  1. Go to Advanced tab and click Spelling Check button spelling check button .
  2. If there are mistakes in your file, the Spelling Check dialogue will show up and there will be some suggested spellings for you.
  3. Choose one of them and click Accept or Ignore it if the word is not wrong.
  4. Once you click Accept or Ignore, it will jump to the next spelling mistake until there is no mistake.
  5. For the word which is correct but not in the dictionary, you can click Add to dictionary, so that it won’t be treated as the wrong word next time.
spelling check window
spelling-language choices

Tips: Up to 5 languages can be checked in MindMaster including English (for GB and for USA versions), German, French, Italian, and Spanish. You can change a dictionary before start.