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Keyboard Shortcuts

You can find the list of keyboard shortcuts on Help tab by clicking Shortcut Key button.

shortcut key button

Common Operations

Function Shortcuts
Create a new map Ctrl + N
Open a map Ctrl + O
Search map Ctrl + F
Save the current map Ctrl + S
Save as F12
Save all maps Ctrl + Shift + S
Close current map Ctrl + W
Close all maps Ctrl + Shift + F4
Switch documents Ctrl + Tab
Print the current map Ctrl + P
Undo Ctrl + Z; Alt + Backspace
Redo Ctrl + Y; Alt + Shift + Backspace; Ctrl + Shift + Z
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Format Painter Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste as special formats Ctrl + Alt + V
Delete Delete; Backspace
Find Ctrl + F

Add Topic and Shape

Function Shortcuts
Add Sub topic Tab; Insert; Ctrl + Enter
Add Topic Enter
Add Topic Before Shift + Enter
Add Parent Topic Shift + Insert
Add Callout Alt + Enter
Add Floating Topic Alt + F
Add Multiple Topic Ctrl + Shift + M
Add Relationship line Ctrl + R
Add Boundary Ctrl + Shift + B
Add Summary Ctrl + Right Bracket
Add Picture Ctrl + Shift + P
Add Priority Icon Ctrl + 1, 2, 3...
Add Attachment Ctrl + H
Add Note Ctrl + T
Add Comment Ctrl + Shift + T
Add Number Ctrl + Shift + U

Select Topic and Topic Operations

Function Shortcuts
Select all topics Ctrl + A
Select same type Alt + A
Select more topics Shift + Arrow keys
Select more levels Shift + Alt + Arrow keys
Select same level Ctrl + Shift + A
Select next level Ctrl + Alt + A
Select topic Arrow keys
Select first level Home
Select last level End
Select Main Idea Ctrl + Home
Topic move prior Ctrl + Shift + Up
Topic move next Ctrl + Shift + Down
Topic move top Ctrl + Shift + Home
Topic move bottom Ctrl + Shift + End
Delete the selected topic Shift + Delete

Text Editing and Font Settings

Function Shortcuts
Edit topic text F2
Edit and move cursor to text start Shift + Spacebar
Edit and move cursor to text end Spacebar
Add Text line break Shift + Enter; Ctrl + Enter
Font Bold Ctrl + B
Font italic Ctrl + I
Font underline Ctrl + U
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + Period
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift +Comma
Set font color Ctrl + Shift + D

Topic Traversal and Slides

Function Shortcuts
Traverse topics F5
Traverse branches Shift + F5
Display slide page Ctrl+Shift+F5

Map View

Function Shortcuts
Show different levels Alt + 1,2,3…
Show all levels Alt + 0
Display branch Alt + D
Focus on topic F3
Drill/Stop drill F4
Map fit to page width Alt + F3
Map fold centered Ctrl + F3
Zoom to 100% Ctrl + 0
Map zoom in Ctrl + Equal
Select Main Idea Ctrl + Home
Map zoom out Ctrl + Minus
Vertically move page PageUp; PageDown
Horizontally move page Ctrl + PageUp; Ctrl + PageDown

Full Screen Mode

Function Shortcuts
Start brainstorming F8
Full screen (editable) Ctrl+F5
Laser pointer Ctrl + L
Color pencil Ctrl + P
Draw rectangle Ctrl + Shift + R
Draw oval/ellipse Ctrl + Shift + E
Draw arrow Ctrl + Shift + W
Eraser Ctrl + E
Map zoom in Ctrl + Equal
Select Main Idea Ctrl + Home
Eraser all traces E (Capital)

Function panel display

Function Shortcuts
Display Tag Manager Ctrl + G
Display clipart panel Ctrl + Shift + I
Display spelling check panel F7
Display mark panel F9
Display task panel F10
Display outline panel F11


Function Shortcuts
Cancel operation or close dialog Esc
Video Tutorial F1
Close MindMaster Alt + F4