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Insert Clipart/Pictures

Insert Clipart

(Ctrl + Shift + I)

MindMaster offers a clipart library with a large collection of clipart for users.

  1. Click Clipart on Home tab, or click Clipart icon clipart icon on the right sidebar to open Clipart panel.
  2. Click library icon library icon to choose clipart from categories.
  3. Or enter keywords in Search Bar to search from clipart library.
  4. Double-click on a clipart to add it into the selected topic, or drag and drop a clipart to any topic of your map or the blank area of the canvas.

Tips: You can insert the clipart into the four directions of a text in a topic.

Insert Pictures

(Ctrl + Shift + P)

MindMaster allows you to insert pictures into topics. It supports massive picture formats like GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, BMP, TIF, etc. You can insert pictures from local files:

  1. Select a topic you intend to add pictures. (If you haven’t select any topic, picture will be added to a floating topic.)
  2. Click Picture on Home tab or right-click on the topic and choose Picture.
  3. picture button picture option on context menu
  4. Select a picture from your device.
  5. Press Open.
  6. Drag the selection handles to adjust the size of pictures.


  1. If your picture is over-sized (more than 600*600 pixels), there will be a reminder window to let you decide whether to compress the picture or not.
  2. compress reminder
  3. By default, pictures will be added on the left of topic text. You can drag the picture to change its position.