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Outline View

Outline View Panel


The Outline view allows you to view the map in the format of text outline. Topics are linearly listed from top to bottom so you can read and navigate through the topics easily.

  1. Click Outline button on View tab or on the right sidebar.
  2. outline view button
  3. The Outline panel will appear on the right side.
  4. To close the panel, simply click Outline button again, or click Hide Panel hide outline panel button .
  5. outline panel


  1. You can fold the subtopics by clicking the triangle icon on Outline panel.
  2. fold outline
  3. You can double-click to edit titles in outline mode.
  4. edit outline

Export Outline

The outline can be exported as PDF, Word, Excel or PPT files. Simply click the corresponding buttons in the top right corner to export the outline.

export outline