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Change Border and Font

Change Color and Style of Shape Border

  1. Select the shape you want to change.
  2. On the Style panel, in the Border group, you can change the border color, border round, border style, and dash type
  3. To change the border color, click the Border Color buttonborder style, and then choose your preferred border color.
  4. To change the border corner roundness, click the Line Round buttonline round button, and then click your preferred border round.
  5. To change the border style, click the Border style buttonborder style button, and then choose your preferred border style.
  6. To change the border dash style, click the Border Dashes buttonborder dashes button, and then click your preferred dash style.

Tips: You can also change the branch line colors, branch line weight and branch dashes for your org chart.

Change Font

  1. Select a shape or multiple shapes.
  2. On the Style panel, in the Font group, you can change the font type, font size, alignment, bullet points, boldness, italic, underline, line spacing, or font color.
font group

Click the following buttons to achieve corresponding font effects:

  • font bold Bold the selected text.
  • font italicize Italicize the selected text.
  • font underline Underline the selected text.
  • line through the middle of the selected text Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
  • font align Align selected text to a special edge.
  • font hignlight Highlight the selected text.
  • change text color Change the text color.
  • more font options More font options.