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Create Your Own Library

  1. Select the picture or shape you draw and switch to Symbols tab.
  2. Click Save Symbol in Symbol tool to save the picture or shape as symbols. Then you will get two files (.ede and .png) and you need to save them.
  3. Click New Library to create your own library.
  4. library list
  5. If you already have your own library, you can open it and add the new symbol into it. Right-click the blank area in the new library, click Import Symbol....
  6. In Import Symbol dialog, you can type the symbol's name, prompt and select its .ede file and icon.
  7. Right-click the tile of New Library and you can change its name.
  8. Right-click the library title and click Save button.
  9. Click Open Library to open your own library.

To create shapes from pictures, put the pictures in a file folder, click Create From Pictures button on Symbols tab. Then Edraw Max will upload the selected picture into a new library. You can click Save Library button to save the new library.

libraries group