Edraw Support Center

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Add a Task


The newly added task is in the same level as the last one and will be placed at the end of the current task list.

There are three ways to add a task:

  • Press Enter key on the keyboard.
  • Click the Add Task buttonadd task button on the Home tab.
  • add task in context menu
  • Right click on any place of the Gantt chart and choose Add Task in the context menu.

Insert a Task


The newly inserted task is in the same level as the selected task and will be placed above it.

There are 3 ways to insert a task.

  • Select a task, then press Insert key on the keyboard.
  • Select a task, then click the Insert Task buttoninsert task button on the Home tab.
  • Select a task, then right click on any place of the Gantt chart and choose Insert Task in the context menu.

Name a Task


An explicit and concise task name is necessary for others to understand at a glance. You can use short verb phrases to name a task.

Click the task cell directly to name the task.

Remove a Task

To remove a selected task, you can:

  • Select a task, then press Delete on the keyboard.
  • Select a box, then click the Remove Task buttonremove task button on Home tab.
  • Select a task, then right click on any place of the Gantt chart and choose Remove Task in the context menu.


If no tasks are selected, the task at the end of the tasks list will be removed.