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Lock & Unlock Shape
To lock or protect a shape, you can:
- Select the shape;
- Go to Layout tab and click Lock, or click Protect button
on the ribbon;
- Select the desired options:
- Click Width to lock width of shapes and for 1-D shapes like lines, it also locks them against rotation.
- Click Height to lock height of shapes and it’s invalid for 1-D shapes.
- Click Aspect Ratio to lock the proportional relationship between width and height.
- Click X Position to lock horizontal positions of shapes against movement.
- Click Y Position to lock vertical positions of shapes against movement.
- Click Rotation to lock shapes against rotation. You can still rotate 1-D shapes by dragging its endpoints and you must lock its width for preventing rotation.
- Click Begin Point to lock begin points of 1-D shapes to specific locations.
- Click End Point to lock endpoints of 1-D shapes to specific locations.
- Click Ungroup to lock grouped shapes against being ungrouped through Group tools.
- Click Edit Text to lock shapes against being edited text on them.
- Click From Selection to lock shapes against being selected.
- Click From Deletion to lock shapes against being deleted.
- Click From Connector to lock shapes against being connected.
- Click Format to lock formats of shapes against being changed.
- Click From Group Formatting to lock formats of shapes against being changed when changing group formats.
- Click From Group Fill to lock fill of shapes against being changed when changing group fill.
- Click From Theme to lock shapes against being changed its existing themes.
- Click From Snapping to Outline to lock the connector outlines against showing up.

To unlock a shape, you can:
- Select the shape;
- Go to Layout tab and click Lock, or click Protect button on the ribbon;
- Find the options that have checkmarks, click them to cancel the checkmarks so that the you can unlock the shape with corresponding features.
- In the meanwhile, you can click Unlock button on Layout tab or press Ctrl + Shift + Y to unlock all the locked features of the shape.