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Edit Task Information

To edit task information, you can

  1. Select the task;
  2. Go to Gantt Chart Pane and find the part of Task Information;
  3. gantt chart pane
  4. Modify the options to change the information of the selected task.

There are a series of options in Task Information.

  • Name: to edit task name in the box.
  • Priority: to change the task priority from Level 1 to Level 8.
  • Progress: to change the percentage of the task completeness.
  • Start Date: to change the start date of the task.
  • End Date: to change the end date of the task.
  • Duration: to change the duration of the task.
  • Milestone: to set or cancel the milestone of the task.

Actually, you can directly edit some of the task information in the Gantt chart by double-clicking on the cells, including Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date, Priority, etc.

Besides, you can change the number of task progress manually:

  • If the percentage is 0, click on the task bar, put the cursor on the left margin; when the cursor become a two-way arrow with a percentage symbol, press the right mouse button and move to the position you want.
  • If the percentage is not 0, click the right margin of the complete bar, press the right mouse button and move to the position you want.
  • gantt chart complete percent gantt chart complete percent