
What is a Newsletter

Know it All about Newsletter

Part 1: What is a Newsletter

With the growth of e-commerce websites and businesses, newsletters have taken pace.

They have started getting considered as the most cost-effective yet a great way of marketing. For its multiple benefits, it is now named as the ‘driving force’ of e-mail marketing has started getting its due recognition. However, people are still often found questioning: ‘What is a newsletter?’

Commonly used by businesses and organizations, a newsletter is a three to 4-page report used to maintain regular communication with potential customers, employees, or subscribers by providing them information about prospects or advertising a current product. They are an electronic report that usually covers a main topic of interest for the recipients. Newsletters are the most common serial publication, and two-thirds of them are internal publications for employees, while a third is publicized externally.

Part 2: A Brief Insight Into the History of Newsletters

Newsletters have a history dating back to the 16th and 17th century where they were used for various reasons. The page was exchanged between officials giving a review about the situation in colonies. Traders used this to spread the word about prices of products, political news, weather conditions, or any other factor that could affect their business.

In the early 18th century, the newsletters appeared for the first time in the U.S, when a publication started printing a single sheet report weekly-The Boston Newsletter. The report contained information about England, American colonials, and different common interests. However, gradually they turned into newspapers.

The newsletters still maintained their position and were often publicized weekly, monthly, or even yearly by some publications throughout the globe.

Part 3: Why Use a Newsletter?

Over the centuries, newsletters have been a great way of communicating with the masses. In the digital era, they have become the highlight of e-mail marketing for all the right reasons. With informative and easy-to-read content, they are a successful way of persuading the reader to give a look and even purchase your product.

Let’s see some of the uses of a newsletter:

1. Bridges the communication gap between a customer and the manufacturer.
2. Are a quick source of information.
3. Provides information and an overview of the company/organization.
4. Attracts traffic for the website.
5. Analyzing the newsletter data informs you about people’s preferences and interests.

A School Newsletter

This type of report is published by schools and colleges yearly. The content usually focuses on the activities that were carried out the year and the achievements made. It also highlights some future changes that will be made or mentions a tribute to a teacher who is retiring or appreciating someone for their heroic achievements. The yearly school letters are a great way to reflect on the previous year.

Business Newsletters

This newsletter is published by businesses weekly or quarterly, and the focus is to improve the brand’s popularity and customer count. This type usually features a brand story, achievements of the hot-selling products, and some prospects. The tone is attractive, and the content usually ends with customers checking out the website.

Non-Profit Organisation Newsletters

Organizational newsletters are another common type that is published by big non-profit organizations for the sake of collecting charities and sponsorships. The article highlights their story and efforts of helping the people. The newsletter mentions volunteer highlights and impactful stories that would persuade the reader to donate and become part of them.

Part 4: Types of Newsletter

If you ask me how many types of newsletters types are there, the answer is simple- Alot! They vary from business to business. However, it is easy to find commonalities in each of them. It mainly depends on who is publishing them and what do they aim for.

So, here are the three types we have shortlisted from all the options:

The Internal Newsletter

This type of newsletter is written for the employees and staff of the company. They serve as a great way of keeping your team informed about the current status of the product, prospects, services, changes in policies, achievements, or any ongoing project.

The External Newsletter

To attract customers and improve your brand’s image, good communication with people is a necessity. It is vital to build your trust and establish a meaningful and productive relationship with them, and the external newsletters are a perfect way to overcome that gap.

Newsletters inform you about the consumer’s interest while, in exchange, they get to know about the new products, changes to the old ones, tips, and much more. The letters can also feature a quarterly report followed by a questionnaire, or suggestions and tips from clients, establishing a good two-way relationship.

A General Newsletter

This type of newsletter does not target a specific audience and can be used internally and externally. The letter is general and speaks about the staff as well as clients. This letter is usually a common choice by officials and non-profit organizations.

It effectively communicates your cause and any updates or information about the company that the people might be interested in. They are generally informative and more inclusive than the other two.

Part 5: How To Write a Newsletter?

Newsletters are a key component for successful marketing. So, here is a step-by-step guide for writing the perfect newsletter.

Decide The Audience

This is the most basic and important thing to consider before you start writing. Select the type of people who will be reading the newsletter. Are they employees, customers, or both? This would help you select the tone and the content you put in it.

Select the Content

Here comes the main part- what do you want to include in your newsletter. Will it cover the company’s current affairs, prospects, achievements, deep insights, or just a brand story? Usually, the newsletters are versatile and cover more than one topic with a blend of company news and product roundups. This helps in accommodating the newsletter to the interest of a large population.

Writing your Newsletter

This step might seem easy but, in fact, is the most crucial one since you need to maintain the consistency of tone and words throughout your writing. After you are done with the content selection, start condensing each topic.

Keep the paragraphs short yet persuasive. You should start them with a catchy line, so the reader stays hooked. The main idea is to keep the content informative and easy-to-read, so the reader develops an interest. End your newsletter with a call to action that persuades the viewer to check your website or buy a product.

Proof Read Content for Mistakes

After you are done with the content, give your newsletter a re-read to eliminate any mistakes you have made unconsciously or otherwise. Do consider every word and think if you could improve anything. Make sure to do this with a fresh mind and a cup of coffee, so your mind booms with new ideas and is quick to grasp any mistakes. Now your newsletter is ready to be published.

Publishing the Newsletter

You need to design the newsletter before it gets published. Select the format type ( HTML or Plain text); how would you like your newsletter to appear- as a text or a website? Then choose a size and color for headings so the content is easy to skim through and the reader can easily access the area of his interest.

The text width should be uniform for good readability and should be equipped with catchy images. Text with images doesn’t bore the reader and keeps them interested. You should also add any social icons your company has like, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and a share button at the bottom.

Now the newsletter is ready to be published and sent to your readers.

Part 6: How to Create a Newsletter?

1. Open the app or software you want to use to create a newsletter. (Microsoft Word or Google Docs)

2. Find the newsletter templates from the template gallery.

3. Select the template that most suits your requirements.

4. Customize the template according to your needs and start adding in the text. Once done, the letter is ready to be sent.


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  • Learn How to Make a Newsletter
  • Part 7: Tips and Consideration While Making a Newsletter

    To truly harness the power of newsletters, it is necessary to take care of a few things. For your ease, we have listed them below. So, let’s have a look, so you don’t miss anything.

    Newsletters are a key component for successful marketing. So, here is a step-by-step guide for writing the perfect newsletter.

    Content Should Be Worth A Read

    The content should be captivating, and it should click with the reader. Make sure the information is useful and interesting that a client would like to read. Prosaic and cliched content can often lead to a poor image of the brand.

    Write a Grabbing Headline

    With a surge in e-mail marketing, people have numerous newsletters in their inboxes, so you need to make sure that yours stands out of the crowd. The best way to do this is grab the reader’s attention with a catchy, hot headline.

    Make a tagline that is unique yet captivating. Give the reader a reason to choose your newsletter among a million others.

    Consider your audience

    Turn your relationship with the audience into a two-sided one. Consider the type of people in your audience and write everything in the layman’s language while keeping the content precise. This means your newsletter should be helpful and quick to read without overdosing on technical words and information.

    Sometimes, add a suggestion or a reply box to allow the audience to express their views and give out ideas.

    Be Regular

    In this world, he wins the race who is specific yet regular with his work. So is the case here. The newsletters should be delivered very regularly to pump up the readers and build up their interest. Making your readers wait for it can make them tired and uninterested. This can often lead to a reduced number of followers and a sudden downhill in the popularity of your content.

    Part 8: Examples of A Newsletter

    1. Travel Newsletter

    This is a travel newsletter that helps in promoting travel businesses and projects. With colorful hues, it is attractive and pleasing to the eyes. You can customize this template with your logos, images, fonts, and colors. The template is well-made and guides you thoroughly at each step.


    2. School Newsletter

    This is another beautiful template by Microsoft Word. Considering it is made for school-going kids, the template is vibrant and refreshing. It is completely customizable; you can add images, text and change colors according to a personal preference. The template with its easy instructions acts as a great guide to create the perfect newsletter.


    Part 9: Conclusion

    Newsletters are a great strategy to improve sales and attract people and customers to a brand. They are precise and give a quick overview of your company in minutes. With several templates available, customize and create the most amazing newsletters in just minutes.

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