Create Organizational Chart for PPT

> Edraw How-To > Create Organizational Chart for PPT
Posted by Pemala Pfeiffer |
Create a presentation-quality organizational chart in PPT at ease. Edraw allows users to make organizational chart for PPTX on both Mac OS X and Windows system. This tutorial will teach you how to make an organizational chart and export to PPT file.

Although Powerpoint doesn't have the capability to draw org chart, you can also accomplish it through another way. That is creating in Edraw Mac Organizational Chart Maker and exporting to PPT with one click.

This hassle-free method for making org chart in PPT is fast and efficient. And no matter what devices you are using, Mac or PC, our cross-platform based software can work well and help produce good looking organizational chart instantly.

Create Organizational Chart for PPT

Download Organizational Chart Software to Create Organizational Chart in PPT:

Introduction of Organizational Chart

An organizationalchartisavisualrepresentationdepictstheinternalstructureandrolesinanorganizationorcompany.Italsoshowshowauthorityandinformationflowbetweenpeopleanddepartments.Anorganizationalchartshowsemployeeswhotoreportandwhotocontactwhenproblemoccurs.It's a fundamental document every company should have.

How to Create Organizational Chart

Creating an organizational chart with pre-drawn organizational chart symbols and templates is incredibly easy. Edraw includes unique features that set it above its competitors. Many design steps have been automated by the floating buttons. With only point-and-clicks, you can finish a professional organizational chart, without learning curves required at all. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Start Edraw, open an organizational chart drawing page.
  2. Start Organizational Chart
  3. Use the card shape from the auto-opened library.
  4. Add colleagues or subordinates by clicking on the floating buttons on the card shape.
  5. Use Floating Button
  6. Double click on the card to edit the text field.
  7. Click the Display Options button to set for card size, font and other display options.
  8. Use Define Field to set custom displaying items.
  9. Org Chart Setting
  10. Choose a layout style from the Layout Gallery.
  11. Export the organizational chart to a needed format by clicking on Export &Send button on File menu.

Or you can save the employee information in a file, and by importing this file in the software, you can generate an org chart instantly.

Export Organizational Chart into PPT

Edraw is compatible with MS PowerPoint, which means the EDDX files can be converted into PowerPoint files seamlessly. Due to its effectiveness and practicality, it has been embraced as the top choice for making organizational chart in PPT.

Creating an organizational chart in PPT is just one more click away: go to File tab, click Export button and choose PowerPoint to save your file as PPTX format.

Export Organizational Chart to PowerPoint

It supports PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013 versions.

Customize Organizational Chart in PowerPoint

The exported organizational chart will remain the vector feature in the MS PowerPoint. You can still edit text, recolor shape, and apply quick style in MS PowerPoint.

Edit Organizational Chart in PowerPoint

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Free Download Ultimate Organizational Chart Software!

Enjoy creating Organizational Chart on multiple platforms with this professional software. Download OrgCharting to create org charts and manage company data. Try it today!