Make a Five Forces Chart
Five Forces Chart
What's a five forces chart?
Five Forces Chart, includes five factors: threat of entry to the market from other organizations, supplier power, buyer power, availability of substitute products, existing competitors. The strength of each factor differs by industry and changes over time. Since Michael E. Porter invented the concept in 1980, it has become a frequently used tool for analyzing a company's industry structure and its corporate strategy.
Why five forces chart is important?
1. It is a strong tool for competitive analysis at industry level.
2. It helps to make a qualitative evaluation of a firm's strategic position.
3. It helps to assess a new industry's attractiveness and growth opportunities.
4. It helps to develop effective strategies to raise the profitability, power, and competitive position in an industry.
How to Create a Five Forces Chart?

Start with the Exact Template
In Edraw, the Five Forces Chart Template helps you easily create five forces charts using many built-in symbols. Double click the template from Business Diagram Category on the starting page to enter the drawing page. You will discover abundant symbols and easy-to-use tools available for five forces charts.
Use Standard Built-in Symbols
Edraw includes lots of five forces chart symbols created to meet different drawing requirements of users. In Edraw library, all kinds of five forces shapes are available here. Go to Five Forces Charts Symbols page to have a general knowledge about the symbols.

Basic Steps to Create Five Forces Chart:
1. On the File menu, point to New, point to Business Diagram, and double click five forces chart template. A new drawing page will open.
2. Go to the library pane on the left of the canvas. From Five Forces Shapes, drag one of the five forces shapes you like onto the canvas.
3. Use arrows when you need to connect different shapes.
- Note: Double click the shape to edit the text in the shape.

Print:Whenafiveforceschartisdone,it's easy to print and share with more people. On the file menu, point to Print to set for print options. You can change settings with fewer clicks and see the print preview in real time.
Export: Edraw offers support for exporting your diagram to various formats, including Microsoft Office, PDF, and many other graphic formats. On the File menu, point to Export & Send for Export options.
porter's Five Forces Model Templates
More Features Make Edraw the Best Choice
- Edraw has built in a set of nice looking themes with advanced effects. It's easy to change the whole diagram by changing the active theme with just a few clicks. You don't have to be professional in designing.
- All Edraw documents are vector graphic files with high clarity and available for reviewing and modifying.
- A set of smart tools are provided for automatic formatting. You can easily arrange, rotate, group and align objects.
- Edraw offers various customization options, using which you can adjust line width, line color, line style, font size, font style, text color, and much more.
- Easy to add photos, images and edit text fields.
Five Forces Chart Template
Create fabulous five forces chart fast by starting from ready-made templates. The right Five Forces Chart example is elaborately designed to benefit our user. Download it for free.
Five Forces Chart Example
Click on the left thumbnail picture to see large version and download this amazing five forces model example.
Here is a complete examples of five forces chart created by Edraw.