How to Create a Workflow Diagram
Part 1: What is Workflow Diagram?
Workflow diagrams are used to depict a certain business workflow. A workflow is a series of repeatable activites or patterns that are done to accomplish a business goal. These activities are represented by flowcharts. As such, shapes and symbols, along with lines and arrows, are used. Understanding exactly what all of the procedural requirements and steps are in a business workflow is incredibly important, and that is precisely the key benefit in using workflow diagrams. All team members know what tasks they need to accomplish, and no time will be wasted on redundant activities. Once team members are accustomed to the workflow, entire tasks or processes can be automated.
Part 2: How to Make Workflow Diagram?
Step 1: Start EdrawMax.
Step 2: Navigate to [New]>[Flowchart]

Step 3: Select one workflow diagram template to edit on it or click the [+] sign to start from scratch.

Step 4: You can export the file to Graphics, PDF, editable MS Office file, SVG and Visio vsdx file.

Step 5: And you can share your diagram with others via social media and web page.

Watch this video to learn more. If the video doesn't play, please visit it at YouTube.
Part 3: Workflow Diagram Examples
Example 1: Purchase Order Workflow
The purchase order process is the entire journey from buying a product to getting order approval, dispatch, delivering, invoicing, and ticket closing. Sometimes, a purchase order workflow also includes contract management, quality check reports, and budget allocation for any particular purchase order (PO).

Example 2: Potential Customer Renew Policy Workflow
The journey that a user has to go through in order to renew their policy from a company’s website can be understood by visually representing the customer renew policy workflow. A potential customer renewal policy workflow is a crucial factor when it comes to training new employees.