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Keyboard Shortcuts

You can find the list of keyboard shortcuts any time on the ribbon’s Help tab by clicking the Shortcut Key icon.

shortcut key display


Function Shortcuts
Create a new chart Ctrl + N
Open a chart Ctrl + O
Save the current chart Ctrl + S
Save all charts Ctrl + Shift + S
Close current chart Ctrl + W
Close all charts Ctrl + Shift + W
Print the current chart Ctrl + P


Function Shortcuts
Select box (above, below, left and right) Arrow keys
Select next box / previous box Tab / Shift + Tab
Save the current chart Ctrl + S


Function Shortcuts
Zoom in Ctrl + + (plus)
Zoom out Ctrl + - (minus)
Fit chart to screen Ctrl + F5
Fit chart to 100% zoom Ctrl + 0
Whole Page F3
Page Width Shift + F3


Function Shortcuts
Ruler Ctrl + Shift + U
Gridlines Ctrl + Shift + G
Status Bar Shift + B
Action Button Ctrl + Shift + A


Function Shortcuts
Show / Hide Display F6
Show / Hide Views F9
Show / Hide Tree F10
Show / Hide Data F8
Show / Hide Search Ctrl + Shift + F
Spelling check F7
Find Ctrl + F
Preview F11


Function Shortcuts
Play slideshow Ctrl + Shift + F5
Traverse boxes F5
Traverse branches Shift + F5
Full Screen Ctrl + F5
Exit Full Screen Mode or Stop Slideshow Esc

Adding Box and Elements

Function Shortcuts
Add first box Enter
Add Subordinate Insert / Ctrl + Enter
Add Colleague Enter
Add Manager Shift + Enter
Add Assistant Alt + Enter
Add attachment Ctrl + H
Insert picture Ctrl + Shift + P
Add hyperlink Ctrl + K
Add comment Ctrl + Shift + T
Add note Ctrl + T
Optimize Layout Ctrl + Shift + O


Function Shortcuts
Refresh data Shift + R
Associate data Ctrl + Shift + R
Define field Ctrl + D
Quick export Ctrl + Shift + Q
Import Ctrl + Shift + I
Export wizard Ctrl + Shift + E

Editing and Selecting

Function Shortcuts
Undo the last action Ctrl + Z / Alt + Backspace
Redo the last action Ctrl + Y
Select all boxes and elements Ctrl + A
Select all branches Ctrl + Shift + B

Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete

Function Shortcuts
Cut Ctrl + C
Copy to the clipboard Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert
Format Painter Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Selected Paste Ctrl + Alt + V
Delete current object Delete
Delete Current Branch Shift + Delete

Commands in Box Text Edit and Find Mode

Function Shortcuts
Enter line break in box Shift + Enter / Ctrl + Enter
Move to beginning of line Home
Move to end of box text Ctrl + Home
Cancel editing box ESC
Find Ctrl + F
Edit box text F2
Find next Enter
Spelling check F7


Function Shortcuts
Toggle to bold and back Ctrl + B
Toggle to italics and back Ctrl + I
Toggle to underline and back Ctrl + U
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Edit text F2
End Formatting Esc


Function Shortcuts
Toggle up Ctrl + Shift + F4
Toggle right Ctrl + F4
Toggle down F4
Toggle left Shift + F4
Move to left Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move to right Ctrl + Right Arrow

General Windows Commands

Function Shortcuts
Close a menu or dialogue box Esc
Cancel an operation Esc
Exit OrgCharting Alt + F4
Export to graphics Ctrl + G
Show help F1
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